Compact ecosystems for smarter off-grid water Solutions.

From sustainable off-grid water systems to eco-warrior gardens, we build natural solutions that take the hassle out of being water-smart.

Our Products: The NuTree Family


What is a NuTree?

We designed the NuTree to foster an ecosystem where microbes, and plants work together to treat and recycle wastewater. Though the applications may vary--from off-grid water systems to do-it-yourself aquaponics solutions--all our products are based around our NuTree technology.

No matter the application all of our products are:


Nature Inspired

Natural methods clean and recycle water.



Systems at various sizes and prices.


Easy to build/use

No matter what your background.



Ready to grow with your needs.

Water Your Needs? We got you.

(Ask about our payment plans)


Off-grid water systems. Ditch your septic tank.


On the grid? Cut down on your businesses’ water bill.

DIY Aquaponics

Functional eco-art to spice up your garden.


Urban home gardens for indoor/outdoor use.


Sustainable Business

Wow and educate your visitors and employees.


Sustainable water features made simple.

Custom Systems & Services

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